Making an oobleck without using cornstarch has the same procedure as making it with cornstarch. The only difference is, of course, the alternative to cornstarch is the one being used instead. Some people use potato starch or arrowroot powder as an alternative to cornstarch and found out that there are minimal differences. However, there are exact steps to follow carefully to get this non-Newtonian fluid’s proper consistency and feel.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Make Oobleck Without Cornstarch
1. Prepare the materials
First, get a container, preferably a bowl or something similar. Get a cup and 200-300 grams of arrowroot powder or potato starch. Another good alternative to cornstarch is powdered tapioca. There are also times when people use baby powder for making Ooblecks. As for the water to be used, the ratio should be half of the powder or starch used. For example, if you used 200 grams of tapioca powder, 100ml of water is the proper amount to go along with it. Prepare food coloring as well, but this is optional. Finally, prepare a spatula for mixing.
2. Mix the Ingredients
Put the starch or powder in a bowl. Make sure that the bowl is enough to contain both the starch or powder and water. Next, carefully pour water into the bowl. If water is poured quickly, the powder might scatter outside the bowl. You can also put water first, then the powder or starch. Now, combine the ingredients in the bowl by using a spatula or similar material. If you don’t have a spatula, you can also mix them by hand.
3. Check the consistency of the oobleck
After the ingredients are combined, check whether the mixture is more solid, a liquid, or in the middle. The correct consistency of an oobleck should make it feel like a solid and a liquid at the same time. If the mixture has a water consistency, add more powder or starch to it while mixing. On the other hand, if the ingredients are too hard to mix, the consistency is closer to a solid state. Pour the water slowly while mixing to soften the mixture.
4. Color the oobleck (optional)
Use food coloring to add colors to the oobleck. It would be best if you used Food coloring during the mixing stage. Two up to four drops of the color choice would suffice. You can also try to create new colors by putting in 2 or more color combinations.

Why Is it Advisable to Make Oobleck Without Cornstarch?
It is advisable to make oobleck without cornstarch because cornstarch is in high demand. Stores that sell cornstarch run out of them quickly. Food businesses and industries need cornstarch, after all. Fortunately, cornstarch is not needed to make an Oobleck at all. Cornstarch, compared to its alternatives like Arrowroot powder and even baby powder, might be less affordable.
What’s the Difference Between Plain Oobleck and Oobleck With Cornstarch?
There are not many significant differences between oobleck with and without cornstarch apart from the medium used. In schools, they use tapioca starch as an alternative to cornstarch and can still achieve similar results. Consistency-wise, oobleck with cornstarch still feels the same with plain oobleck. Whether it’s plain or cornstarch oobleck, pick the available materials, and it will work just fine.

How Safe is Oobleck Without Cornstarch For Kids?
Oobleck without cornstarch can be safe or hazardous depending on the alternative medium that is used for making it. For example, alternatives like arrowroot, tapioca powder, and potato starch are all edible. Since oobleck is just made of water and starch or powder, accidental ingestion would not harm. Still, some individuals may use baby powder as an alternative. Even though baby powder can be a good alternative in making oobleck, it removed the safety feature of an oobleck in the first place. Oobleck’s are a typical experiment that children in schools do. Oobleck can also be more visually appealing for some children and can sometimes induce hunger. Due to children’s curiosity, making oobleck a part of scientific experiments is a perfect choice, as long as edible materials are only used.

How Long Does Oobleck Without Cornstarch Last?
Just like any other organic food, organic oobleck is not safe to ingest. Assuming that an Oobleck is made of water and other edible alternatives, they can last for as long as a day. Twenty-four hours is the maximum time of usability for an organic oobleck. After a day, it is not advisable to use the oobleck for it goes wrong after that period. Of course, it is also not recommended to ingest a newly made oobleck, but there may be unexpected circumstances where children may do it. As for oobleck that is made out of baby powder, they can last for days but may become stiff after a day.