The phrase ‘catch bees with honey’ was originally ‘catch more flies with honey than with vinegar’ when it first became popularized. But owing to countless translations that took place over the centuries, the dictum has somehow changed its form to what it is today. Let’s kick things off by looking at the meaning of the dictum, or phrase if you wish, ‘catch bees with honey.
Keep reading.
What’s the meaning of the phrase?
The proverb ‘catch more bees with honey’ simply means one has a better chance of winning more hearts and minds (or getting their point across) while using proper, respectful language instead of using a harsher approach. The latter can be used to advise people who have a knack for forcing things or agendas on others.

The proverb can also mean it’s better to convenience people to do something voluntarily instead of demanding that they did the same. If people are sweet-talked into doing something, then they can do it wholeheartedly.
But if you force them into doing something, then there’s a high probability that you’ll meet some stagnation in whatever you’re planning on doing.
And even if they’re to do it, then the outcome won’t be without its challenges. That said, if a wiseacre ever uses the dictum on you, then it’s time for you to step back and evaluate your approach before proceeding with whatever it is you want to do.
Who is the name behind the phrase ‘catch more bees with honey’ going mainstream?
The man behind the catchphrase ‘you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar’ which later changed to ‘catch bees with honey’ was none other than Giovanni Torriano. Mr. Torriano was an Italian wordsmith who used the common Italian proverb in his poem. The phrase he wrote in Italian was ‘II mele catta piu mosche, che non fa I’aceto’.
Giovanni Torriano also has several poems written under his name. be sure to look him up whenever you get the chance. You can also find his translated works just in case you can’t read Italian like most of us.
Which year was the phrase popularized?
Giovanni Torriano had his poem published in the year 1666; which is believed to be the year the phrase ‘you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar’ became mainstream. But before Mr. Torriano published his work, the term was still used as part of the local lingo until 1666 when it broke its boundaries and crossed to the rest of the world.

Is there any scenario where the phrase can be used?
There are countless scenarios where the catchphrase ‘catch bees with honey can be used, especially in today’s world where people are used to getting what they want while applying little to no effort at all. As a result of that, it often becomes almost impossible for one to cope if they don’t get what they want. Let’s check out a few examples.
One, if a teacher is always yelling at his students who just seem to stay out of trouble, then they’ll have to change their tact. Instead of yelling and punishing them for always getting in trouble, the teacher can change tack and reward them for good behavior. The latter will make the students happy and work on themselves since they’ll always be expecting a reward when all is said and done.

Another example where this phrase isn’t only used but perfected is in politics. Politicians are not only known for their non-performance and corrupt ways but also their silver tongues. The latter is why you get a non-performer having a long career in government – they not only understand but perfect the art of using sweet words on the voters instead of forcing their way back to power.
What’s the relevance of the phrase in today’s society?
They’re quite a handful of lessons that anyone can draw from the phrase ‘catch bees with honey. For instance, if you have an idea and would like to secure funding, then you can always have a friendly, non-aggressive approach. The latter requires a lot of patience and understanding, which are both amazing qualities to have.

Ever heard of the dictum ‘better friends than enemies? bet you have. The same can also go hand in hand with how you relate with your neighbors. If you’re always polite and ready to help them whenever you can, then chances are that they’ll always be ready to come to your aid whenever you need them.
Finally, if you’re looking to reap the benefits of the phrase ‘catch more bees with honey, then you need to take time and work on yourself. Make sure your life is filled with abundance and that’s how you’ll be able to give others nothing but positivity. If you don’t take time to work on yourself, then you can only come off as in-genuine and that won’t do much to help your course.