Shutter Island is a 2010 American neo-noir psychological thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo Di Caprio, Ben Kingsly, Mark Ruffalo, and Jackie Earl Haley. Jackie Earl Haley portrayed George Noyce in the film, a patient in the Ward C of Ashecliffe. Ashecliffe is a mental facility for convicts of heinous crimes. In the movie, he is the only one whom Teddy (Leonardo DiCaprio) believed to know the truth about the human experiment inside the facility. He believes that patients are put in the lighthouse to operate on their brain as part of the experiment. His character in the film paved the way to unleashing the twist and turns of the whole story, especially his iconic encounter with the lead of the film played by Leonardo Di Caprio.
Who is George Noyce in Shutter Island?
In the movie, George Noyce was a repeat offender of a couple heinous crimes. The authority had convicted him for almost beating his professor to death. They admitted him to Ward C of the asylum then released after a year. When he’s back on the mainland, he killed three civilians in the bar and was put back to the facility. He’s also incidental or the way into Teddy’s case. Teddy believed that he was the only one who knew about the truth inside the facility, including the human experiment they did on inmates. He met Teddy again after the storm in Ward C, where Teddy took a walk after being attacked by one of the inmates. George told Teddy that he was put back in the facility because of the lies Teddy has told him, and soon they would bring him in the lighthouse to cut into his brain.
Who played George Noyce in Shutter Island?
George Noyce is a fictional character in the Shutter Island movie, portrayed by Jackie Earl Haley. He is an American actor and director known for his character in the iconic horror movie, Nightmare on Elm Street. He played the role of Freddy Krueger who kills people through their dreams. Also, he appeared in various films such as Damnation Alley, John Schlesinger’s The Day of the Locust, and Losin’ It. The Academy nominated him as Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the 2016 Little Children. Currently, the 60-year-old actor runs a production company, JEH Production, in San Antonio, Texas.
Who is George Noyce to Teddy?
In the movie, Teddy described George Noyce, as a nice college kid, a socialist. They have offered him money to do a psych study. George begins seeing dragons everywhere and nearly beats his professor to death. He ends up in the Ward C of the Ashecliffe mental health facility for a year. Then, two weeks after his discharge from the asylum, he stabbed three men to death in a bar. His lawyer pleads insanity, but George Noyce begs the judge for an electric chair anywhere just not to put him back to the asylum. ( The judge decided to put him in Dedham Prison.
According to Teddy (Leonardo Di Caprio), George told him that Ward C is where they keep the worst ones. He was also the one who told Teddy that people were doing experiments on patients inside the asylum.
Why Was George Noyce Placed on Ward C?
Ward C is the place in the Ashecliffe Mental Facility where they put the worst patients who committed the most heinous crimes. First, George Noyce almost beats his professor to death. Second, he stabbed three civilians in a bar to death. The authority put him in Ward C because of these two incidents. But in an encounter with Teddy, he claimed that they put him back to Ward C because of all the talking with Teddy along with his lies. He is part of the plan to get way into Teddy.
What did George Noyce tell Teddy in Ward C?
After the storm that hits the island, few patients got away on their wards. Teddy and his partner went to Ward C to help the staff chase the patient back to their cell. Teddy found George Noyce in one of the cells on his walk after the attack of one of the inmates. This encounter has unfolded some of the twists of the story.
According to George, they put him back to the facility because of the lies that Teddy told him. He said that it isn’t about the truth anymore, but about Teddy and Laedes, that he was just an incidental or a way into Teddy. George also showed his wounds and scars to Teddy and said that Teddy did it. He also said that Teddy’s not investigating anything in the facility, but in fact, he was a rat trapped in a maze. The only way to uncover the truth is to let go of Dolores (Teddy’s wife). Otherwise, he will never leave the island. Teddy promised George that he will fix the issue and will get George out of the facility, but George believes that they will bring him to the lighthouse soon to operate on his brain too, just like anybody else in Ward C.