You can find room temperature water inside your home. Room temperature water is simply water that is neither hot nor cold. It is called room temperature water because room temperature is based on the optimal temperature for most people. In other words, the temperature that most people feel comfortable with is the same as the room temperature water.
Characteristics of Room Temperature Water
Room temperature water has a temperature that ranges from 20 – 25 degrees Celsius or 68 – 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Room temperature water is also available in most common households and is the most accessible form of drinking water. However, just like any water, room temperature water can either be suitable to drink or not. To ensure that room temperature water is safe to drink, boiling it and then cooling it is needed.

Benefits of Drinking Room Temperature Water
Drinking room temperature has a lot of benefits that most people do not know. Room temperature water can help with weight loss. It doesn’t matter if the water is at room temperature or cold; water as a whole can help if you are trying to lose weight. Water increases the body’s metabolism, which helps burn fat faster. Also, drinking room temperature water is the safest choice whenever you are thirsty. Most people would choose to drink cold water rather than room temperature water. Unlike room temperature water, cold water can make the body’s metabolism slow and decrease heart rate. Drinking water with neutral temperatures has no downside, like cold or hot water.
Choosing to drink room temperature water is a more environmentally-friendly choice. People who live in cold places have more access to cold water. For most people, however, chilling water requires refrigeration and automatic cool water dispensers. Both refrigerators and electric water dispensers add to the house electricity bill. The same thing goes with hot water. If hydration alone is needed, room temperature water is more than enough to quench thirst.

Circumstances When It’s Best to Drink Room Temperature Water
After waking up
While sleeping all night, your body doesn’t get enough hydration. Drinking a few cups of room temperature water is enough to keep the body hydrated in the morning. It also helps people who are practicing intermittent fasting till noon.
Before sleeping at night
Drinking room temperature before sleeping at night is a good practice as well. It will keep you hydrated through the night, and thus, the need to drink after waking up is not that much needed. The drawback is that the urge to go to the bathroom may happen in the middle of the night and might break a person’s sleep pattern.
Before, during, and after doing heavy mental activities.
Drinking room temperature water can help the human brain retain information as well. Water helps keep the supply of blood and oxygen sufficient in the brain. Drinking water helps a person to be more focused and engaged in keeping more information.

Before, during, and after any heavy physical activities.
When doing heavy physical activities, a lot of body fluids leave the body through sweating. Dehydration is a danger one must not ignore. Drinking the proper amount of room temperature water will prevent dehydration from doing physical activities. Drinking room temperature water is also better than cold water in this situation.
For decreasing appetite
For weight loss purposes, drinking room temperature water an hour before mealtime is beneficial. It can make a person feel their stomach fuller than they already are. Thus, eating less food in the process. Also, there are times when ‘hunger pangs’ happen. It is when the stomach contracts from being empty for a longer time. Sometimes eating is what people do when they experience a hunger pang. Eating may not be the appropriate solution to the problem. These sometimes lead to overeating and weight gain. It is important to remember that hunger pangs can also be a sign of dehydration. And the safest water to drink is room temperature water.
Other Alternative Names For Room Temperature Water
A similar term for room temperature water is ambient temperature water. However, the difference between room and ambient terms is that ambient temperature is based on what the thermometer reads, and room temperature is based on what people feel.
Another name for room temperature is unchilled water. Unchilled water is what sellers at grocery stores are most familiar with. Unchilled water is certainly neither hot nor cold because hot water is rare to find in most grocery stores.

Most people will quickly understand the alternative name for room temperature water is just ‘normal water.’ Due to the abundance of room temperature water, many people get used to it as normal water.
Lukewarm and tepid water, on the other hand, is an alternative name other people use for room temperature water. Still, anyone has not confirmed that both lukewarm and tepid water is synonymous with room temperature water. The reason why is lukewarm water is in the middle of comfortable and hot temperatures. However, this is not enough to prevent others from associating lukewarm or tepid water with room temperature water.