The morning star is one of the most famous names of the devil. Any avid reader of the bible not only knows but understands the story of Lucifer’s defiance and how it led to his downfall. For those who may not know, the devil goes by many names, one of them being Lucifer. Let keep reading to find out more about it.
What is the relationship between the morning star and the fallen angels?
According to the story of Lucifer and his defiance that led to him being ousted out of heaven, some pledged their loyalty to him thus being cast out with him. It is believed that these fallen angels are what later became demons. The fallen angels in this question include Beelzebub, Belial, Dagon, Chemosh, and Moloch.

It’s important to note that these were the most notable because they were higher angels. Of course, there were others but they were lower angels which explains why their names weren’t included in the bible. They all fell on earth and are believed to be helping the devil (or Lucifer, depending on what floats your boat) do his bidding until Judgement Day.
Is there an evening star?
The terms morning star and evening star go hand in hand since they both refer to the shiniest plant of them all – Venus. Unlike most celestial bodies that appear to twinkle, Venus doesn’t. Instead, it steadily shines, or as others say glows. Another intriguing feature about Venus is the fact that it tends to wander across the sky while the other celestial bodies remain stationary.

There are certain weeks when there aren’t any evening stars but only morning stars. The latter is when a morning star can be referred to as the evening star, which is quite a confusion thus the many debates surrounding the topic. But, to answer the question; yes, there is such a thing called an evening star, and it’s related to the morning star.
Why are both Jesus and Satan referred to as the morning star in the bible?
A few believers take offense to the fact that Jesus Christ and the devil are both referred to as the morning star. Like many other things in the bible, the term morning star can be used figuratively. God gave Lucifer the name morning star to show how magnificent a creature he was.

The same applies to Jesus, who shone like the morning star or the day-star as he is sometimes referred to as. But, the latter doesn’t mean that he and the devil were the same. If the two were the same, then who was responsible for tempting Jesus when he fasted for forty days in the wilderness if it weren’t for the devil himself?
That said, the use of the name morning star to refer to both biblical characters remains to be one of the many celestial imageries that can be found in so many places in the bible. That said, the scriptures are open to personal interpretation and could be viewed as one chooses. But, again, that doesn’t mean that Christ and the devil are the same.
What lessons can Christians learn from the story of the morning star?
There are a plethora of lessons that Christians can learn from the story of the morning star. One of those lessons is that pride comes after a fall. There was a time when Lucifer was God’s most priced creation. The morning star not only looked very good but was also multitalented.

As a result of all the praise he was getting, he began thinking that he could be equated to God. His pride made him question God and that eventually led to his downfall. So, as Christians, we need to learn the importance of staying focused and, even if we are getting a lot of praise, be sure to not let it get to your head because it’ll eventually lead to your downfall.
God is a forgiving God and would’ve forgiven Lucifer had he realized the error of his ways and asked for forgiveness. Instead, Lucifer chose to be stubborn and that’s how he made his fate. That said, Christians can learn how to humble themselves and ask for forgiveness. Since we all make mistakes, we should make a habit of asking for forgiveness and God almighty will always cleanse our sins.
Last but not least, Lucifer was given many talents which he was supposed to use to bring glory and honor to God. But instead, he chose to take up all of that glory for himself. As Christians, we all have special gifts given to us by God. Therefore, it’s our solemn duty to find out what our gifts are and work on them so that in the end, God can get all the glory instead of keeping all the glory to ourselves.